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La mobilisation face au COVID-19 : Recensement des actions par le groupe de travail de CGLU , CIB (Attention article en anglais)

L’épidémie mondiale de COVID-19 nous oblige à repenser nos programmes et activités internationaux, afin de faire face de manière adéquate à la crise actuelle et à ses conséquences. Il y a un mois, le secrétariat de la CIB (le groupe de travail de CGLU sur le renforcement des capacités) a décidé de créer un Google Drive, afin de pouvoir partager des approches, des plans d’action et des idées d’activités au sein du réseau CIB.

Some highlights :
* Report of UCLG Live Learning event for and by Local Government Associations on COVID-19<>

The UCLG secretariat and the CIB secretariat organized an interesting and well-attended Live Learning event with contributions of UN HABITAT and others on the topic of Local Government Associations and their COVID-19 measures on April 9th. What challenges do Local Government Associations face and what priority actions have they taken ? The report includes many different examples from LGAs around the world. The PowerPoint presentations and other materials can be found here<>.

* COVID-19 measures taken by the Barcelona City Council <>

This publication provides an elaborate and useful overview of the numerous measures taken by the City Council of Barcelona. The measures are mostly aimed at reducing the negative impact on various sectors and groups of people (incl. vulnerable people and families and the cultural sector). The measures also aim to enhance and guarantee the continuation of for instance food provision to the city and the functioning of the city council.

* Overview of measures taken in South-East Europe<>

Our colleagues of the network of associations of local authorities of South East Europe (NALAS) were so kind to provide an overview of various measures/actions taken by their members. It includes examples from Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Turkey, Slovenia and Albania. NALAS also published a digest<> on their website, fully dedicated to COVID-19.

* FCM’s cartoons in Jordan<>

As part of their programming in Jordan, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) collaborated with a famous Jordanian cartoonist who created cartoons on how to deal with the COVID-19 crisis regarding waste management and hygiene, for the Jordan municipalities. You can find these unique images here<>.

* COVID-19 in informal settlements<>

The pandemic will hit the world’s most vulnerable people the hardest, including those living in informal settlements and slums. Hand washing and social distancing are often not possible in these areas. The attached briefing by Social Science in Action includes recommended measures in informal settlements, to prevent COVID-19 transmission.

Response from the international (donor) community

The international (donor) community has published some interesting responses to the crisis. Please find a selection below :

* UN Corona virus portal<>
* EU global response<> to COVID-19
* World Bank & COVID-19<>
* OECD : Cities policy responses<>
* UN Women : impact of the global pandemic on violence against women and girls :

Publié le 12 avril 2020

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  Crises et réhabilitation   COVID-19

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